Auditions for the 24-25 upcoming school year are only open to students who have previously participated in PDC productions as we have many, many eligible kids.

Saturday April 20 (2:40 - 3:20) **NEW**
Monday May 6 (3:30 - 6:20)
Thursday May 9 (3:30 - 7:30)
Monday May 13 (3:30 - 6:20)

Auditions will require up to one minute of a musical theater song of your choice + a short interview. Others are not allowed in the room. Please do not arrive late.
Audition notes and tips are below!

Please read all about the class and level of commitment before taking an audition spot and accepting a place in the program.


Thursdays, 4:15 - 6:15 pm; August - March
(7 weeks of Scene Study, a Scene Night and then the Musical; additional auditions required within the school year for our musical) This is a long commitment and requires regular attendance. Students with a history of multiple absences may not be considered for placement.

This 2024 -25 class is for dedicated, advanced students by audition only. This is the “varsity” team who not only have experience, but have proven they are willing to work at home in between rehearsals to enhance their acting skills, to step out of their comfort zones with their peers, to support each other kindly and enthusiastically, to more formally prep an audition for their role and they are eager to elevate our show game. These students will work with working professionals who know their field well and who also expect full cooperation.

Students- since you’ve already been involved with PDC you know the expectations. We will move faster in middle school. If you haven’t had a problem rehearsing at home and arriving to rehearsal prepared this won’t feel like it’s much different.

We applaud kids who are involved in many activities and believe it is possible to be committed to more than one sport or artistic endeavor at a time. But because we only meet once a week we do require regular attendance so we can get our entire show rehearsed in time for show time. A missed or early departure from rehearsal here or there should be brought to our attention far in advance as we schedule our rehearsal schedule very carefully. We expect that other activities will also need to make compromises for theater from time to time. When you miss you are not the only one who loses out on valuable rehearsal time- your scene partners and dance partners also miss out causing many people to be unprepared. Advanced drama kids choose drama as their favorite after school activity.

Please consider our class like practicing an instrument- our class is a lesson each week and the student practices at home on their own separately. A lot is expected of our advanced middle school thespians - it is no longer just a fun after school extra curricular at this stage, but a place for kids to work hard to improve their abilities. I will expect more communication from the student than the parent. Students will provide their e-mails so they will also get all updates (which will be discussed in class). The first 7 weeks students will dig into becoming a better actor through Scene Study. They’ll have a two to four person scene to rehearse at the start of the year which culminates in a Scene Night for an audience. Once we complete our Scene Study we will hold auditions within the group for our musical. Musical rehearsals run October to mid-March (with mandatory Saturday rehearsals closer to show time). The musical will not be decided until after auditions.

Does this sound like you want to jump in? Are you willing to miss some of your other activities when it comes to rehearsing and performing? If you’ve made it this far you know you can not miss dress, tech or performances and that if you miss ANY rehearsal it’s your job to follow up, find out what was missed, watch the video if there is one and practice at home to come back to rehearsal prepared. Again, you do this work not just for you, but for the entire cast.


*AN AUDITION IS A MINI PERFORMANCE. You want the people you’re performing for to see that you are prepared, aware of the character you are playing, aware of what the song is about and have done your work to figure out those things well in advance. PERFORM THE SONG LIKE YOU WOULD FOR A FULL AUDIENCE- DO NOT LOOK AT THE PANEL of people WHILE YOU SING
I’m glad you’re thinking about auditioning then! You will need to audition in order to make it into the musical at any high school you attend. This can be very nerve wracking- especially after years of PDC shows where you sign up and you’re in the show.

The more you audition the easier it gets, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be nervous anyway. Remember that good breathing is the key to pretty much anything. 4-count, full body, belly breathing like we’ve done in rehearsals is going to calm you down and get your body ready to sing and speak. Use those nerves to fuel you- turn them in to happy energy. I’m already proud of you for showing up and walking in the room. Lots of kids won’t do it. Bravo, you.

*REMEMBER: THE PERSON OR PEOPLE IN THE ROOM ARE ROOTING FOR YOU. Everyone wants you to be great. We’ve all been in your shoes and we will be cheerleaders in that room so things stay as light and fun as possible.
Please also remember that a lot of things go into choosing people to be part of a cast. Sometimes it is not someone’s singing ability that gets them in but their kindness, ability to work well as a team, willingness to take risks, volunteer and try hard, commitment to their role in the show with a proven track record of coming to rehearsal prepared that gets them a spot. If you are not chosen please know it does not mean you are not worthy of being in a show. If it means a lot to you please try again next year for advanced! In the mean time you can take our Monday class and continue to grow and have fun in musical theater!

*A NOTE ABOUT WHAT TO SING: Please prepare about 30 seconds of a song to showcase yourself. Try not to choose the easiest part, but a part that shows your range or an emotional moment. I have already heard you sing- probably a LOT! I am less interested in your singing ability and much more interested in you telling the story of the song. Work to understand what you as the character are saying. If you believe it we believe it. We will not have an accompanist available. You can sing a capella or with a backing track (we will have a speaker). WITH THESE SHORT AUDITIONS I AM LOOKING FOR EFFORT- DID YOU PUT IN THE WORK TO CREATE A CHARACTER?

Please memorize your portion of the song you plan to sing. Do not choose a song with mostly talking or rap - please sing. Many new songs from modern musical theater are simply pop songs that I hope you will avoid. Don’t shout a song. Steer clear of songs with swear words - it is totally unnecessary in a 30 second audition. We need to hear you sing.

It’s usually a good idea to choose a song you can personally relate to in some way- you will perform it more naturally and not be attempting to copy an actor you have seen play it.
Scroll down for a list of songs you can use if you want. You do not need to use any of the songs here, but I will have backing tracks available for them. You can find your own backing tracks by searching your song title and “karaoke” or “backing track” usually it comes up with a Youtube or iTunes link.

*ALWAYS TREAT YOUR SOLO LIKE A MONOLOGUE. It is never only about singing in musical theater. Be sure the portion of your song is memorized and you have made clear character choices. You must always know who you (the character) are speaking or singing to in the song! It is not enough to say “I’m alone in my room”- we are always speaking to someone when we wish for or need something on stage. I don’t mean “I’m singing to the audience”or “the director”. I mean who does the character wish could hear these words? Usually there is conflict in the story or song- maybe you have been hurt by someone, you are trying to convince someone of something, you want someone to cheer you up, you love someone and you want them to know, etc. etc etc so many possibilities… so who is it?

Use your Actor’s Checklist! Who, What, Where, When, How


You do not need to use any of the songs here - there is no accompanist for these auditions. Please have a backing track ready to go or notify me if you’re having trouble. If you want to use a song you already know well and love (and can relate to) and want to use the track at your audition you can just bring it on your phone and we’ll try to hook it up to our speaker. Or you can sing a capella.

AGAIN- PLEASE AVOID POP SONGS. PLEASE AVOID SONGS THAT ARE TOO ADULT, SWEAR OR TALK/RAP IN THEM. I want to hear you sing and I want to see you become someone.

Over The Rainbow - The Wizard of Oz

Everlasting - Tuck Everlasting

Good Girl Winnie Foster - Tuck Everlasting

These Palace Walls- Aladdin (please ask about the backing track)

On Your Way Home - James and the Giant Peach

Corner of the Sky - Pippin (search for backing track on youtube)

What It Means To Be A Friend - 13 the Musical

One Jump Ahead (reprise)/Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Jr

Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid Jr

Dance with You - The Prom

Reflection - Mulan

Santa Fe - Newsies

Popular - Wicked

Alone in the Universe - Seussical

In My Own Little Corner - Cinderella

Home- Beetlejuice

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 2.38.23 PM.png

THE BODY BASICS FOR YOUR SONG: Breathing like in the picture above; strength and support for your WHOLE body (we don’t just sing with our mouths) and: “The lips! The Teeth! The Tip of the Tongue!” it’s a good warm up and important to think about when shaping your words! Be sure to warm up at home, in the car, in the hallway ahead of time. Whatever you need. Know the song well.
Remember that practicing good breathing will be especially important to help support your nerves!
You got this.